Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What Gets Your Juices Flowing?

I've been in kind of a rut lately. Every time I would go to my bead room to start work all I would end up doing is staring at all of the beads and not getting anything done at all. For Mother's Day my hubby presented me with an ipod. My first thought was "this is way too expensive" and "you should return this". I'm glad I didn't open my mouth right away though because after I thought about it, I thought "hey I do deserve this". What I found was that from a business sense it was just what the doctor ordered. I loaded it up with many of my favorite songs, plugged it into my ears and the work just poured out! Being a musician myself I'm very moved by music, literally moved. My work room though nice had no stereo at all yet because all of the unused outlets were not that easy to get to. I had no idea that music was what was missing from my creative flow! Here's just a few of the pieces that I made just last night.
So I ask you again. What gets your juices flowing?

Amazonite pendant wrapped in Argentium Sterling Silver

Rhyolite pendant wrapped in Argentium Silver

Phrenite pendant wrapped in Argentium Silver


katherine said...

gorgeous! welcome to the blogging world!

Alexandra's Jewelry said...

Thanks Katherine your work is awesome. I could only hope to make items as lovely as yours.